Gerry Condon

Gerry Condon – Keywiki   In 1968, while in the U.S. Army Special Forces, Gerry Condon began to speak out against the Vietnam War and to refuse all military orders. The U.S. Army then ordered him to deploy to Vietnam and Gerry refused. Condon was court-martialed and sentenced to ten years in prison and a Dishonorable Discharge. But he escaped from Fort Bragg, North Carolina and from the United States, initially going to Montreal, Quebec and then heading to Europe.

Condon lived in West Germany for six months in 1969, while traveling all around Europe, finally receiving “humanitarian asylum” in Sweden. In early 1970 he joined the American Deserters Committee (ADC) in Stockholm, and helped to produce their newsletter, The Paper Grenade. He traveled around Europe as a liaison for the Stockholm exiles, meeting with American deserters and draft resisters in Paris and London, as well as with European activists who were assisting GI resisters in Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark. Gerry represented the American Deserters Committee at the Stockholm International Conference to End the War in Vietnam and at the Paris International Conference on Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. He met several times with representatives of the Vietnamese liberation struggle.  

In 1975, he returned to the United States in a challenge to President Ford’s unconditional pardon of Richard Nixon and his punitive “clemency program” for U.S. war resisters. At the risk of arrest, he embarked on a five month speaking tour that took him to 50 U.S. cities. By this time most Americans were opposed to the Vietnam War and there was widespread support for amnesty for those who had refused to participate in that illegal war. To avoid public embarrassment, the White House ordered that Condon should not be arrested, and his jail sentence was dropped. condon has been a peace and solidarity activist ever since.

 Gerry Condon Facebook

2019-05-09 Army veteran violently arrested after trying to get food to peace activists

2019-05-09 Gerry Condon violently arrested at Venezuelan Embassy – YouTube

2019-05-09 Gerry Condon, Veterans For Peace, violently arrested at Venezuelan Embassy  Yesterday, our friend Gerry Condon, the National Board President of Veterans For Peace, approached the embassy holding two cucumbers. After he tossed the vegetables to activists in the embassy, he was violently arrested by a half dozen Secret Service police.

2019-12-02 Vietnam Full Disclosure “Very jarring and brutal and dehumanizing” – Gerry Condon    “Veterans coming back from Vietnam were telling me stories about US soldiers committing atrocities against Vietnamese civilians. And I was hearing these stories from veterans who were very upset at what they’d seen or done, and I was also hearing it from soldiers who were bragging about it, but they were both telling the same stories … I saw the writing on the wall, and I had an opportunity to escape.”

2019-05-09 ‘Turnkey Tyranny’ on the Streets of Washington

Gerry Condon – Archive

About mekorganic

I have been a Peace and Social Justice Advocate most all of my adult life. In 2020 (7.4%) and 2022 (21%), I ran for U.S. Congress in CA under the Green Party. This Blog and website are meant to be a progressive educational site, an alternative to corporate media and the two dominate political parties. Your comments and participation are most appreciated. (Click photo) .............................................. Created and managed by Michael E. Kerr
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